Your contact to OptiSense

Do you have any questions, ideas or are you just interested in finding out more about us? Simply send us a message using our contact form. We'd love to hear from you and will forward your request to the right contact person. And of course we will reply as soon as possible.

As an alternative to the contact form you can also send us a message via

OptiSense GmbH & Co. KG protects your personal data conscientiously and uses it only for the purpose for which you have made it available. Further information about the processing of your data and your rights can be found in our privacy policy.

Please add 3 and 4.
Please add 6 and 6.

Further contact options

Do you have a concern, question or feedback? This is how you can reach us:

OptiSense GmbH & Co. KG
Annabergstraße 120
45721 Haltern am See

Tel. +49 2364 50882-0

Business hours:

Mo. - Thu. 8:00 - 17:00
Fr. 8:00 - 15:00