PaintChecker Reference Samples
OptiSense reference samples are the ideal solution for users who need a particularly high level of security, accuracy and reliability when it comes to thickness measurement. Our reference samples are certified by a DAkkS laboratory and are precise to the micrometre, traceable and quickly ready for mass production.
Test Equipment Management
Test equipment management and calibration are essential tools for increasing product quality and avoiding rejects and reworking. Measurement results in line with national standards are an absolute must. Regulations are, however, becoming more stringent: in certain cases, a company can only be certified according to an international quality standard if it has implemented a reliable procedure for measurement systems analysis (MSA). The reference samples from OptiSense are what you need.

Reference Samples
They are called reference masters, reference samples, limit gauges, measuring or setting masters or often just zero gauges. In coating technology, they are paint samples with a defined layer of thickness that are put onto a test probe. These are customised products that are given the exact coating that will later be used in production. The reference samples are therefore often produced directly from original parts. Our reference samples, certified by a DAkkS laboratory, are considered to represent the highest level of measurement accuracy and traceability.

The PaintChecker Calibration Samples
You are aware that the measuring equipment required for your quality assurance processes must be checked and calibrated on a regular basis. But you wonder how you can optimize your calibration process to reduce costs and increase quality at the same time?
The calibration with our DAkkS- or DKD-certified sample set is an important element for handheld instruments as well as industrial systems. The samples consist of the same coating used in your application on the original substrate and cover the entire coating thickness range in 15% increments.
As mentioned, calibration samples are one important aspect. Anther one is know-how. We are happy to support you with our calibration expertise ranging from cost-efficient verification concepts to on-site calibrations and high-precision calibrations at the OptiSense Labs, You can read more under Services.

From Design to Certification
OptiSense knows how to develop and manufacture reference samples perfectly. But only you know the production and measurement conditions on your site. Designing a reference sample is therefore always a joint project. The result is a highly accurate workpiece and an expressive, traceable test certificate as proof of the measurement quality achieved for precise device calibration and reliable measurement results, particularly in networked manufacturing processes (Industry 4.0).