The OptiSense OS Manager Software
The intuitive OptiSense OS Manager software complements the functionality of the PaintChecker models in several key areas: data acquisition and analysis, reporting, calibration.
Data Acquisition
Start a measurement, view results, and export the acquired data for further analysis – this can all be done in a breeze with our OS Manager software. The software visualises the measured coating thickness data in real time and allows to detect unacceptable deviations at a glance. Whether recorded manually or automatically, the measurement data sets can be evaluated directly. In addition to statistical parameters, process capability parameters are also calculated, so even demanding documentation and verification procedures can be easily performed.

Data Export
While not connected to a PC, the PaintChecker mobile systems record the measured values in their internal memory. This data stored in the device can be read using the OS Manager via a USB interface and saved as a file. You can choose between a detailed report in PDF format and a pure data export in CSV format. The PDF report is particularly suitable for printing or for on screen visualisation, while the CSV data can be further processed using calculation software such as Microsoft Excel.

The calibration section provides access to all information about calibrations installed on the device. These calibrations can be imported and exported for archiving or to be reused on other PaintCheckers. If the coating process changes or new materials are added, calibration variants can be created interactively. Complex multi-point calibrations are also possible. The calibration secion is also used to install customer specific calibrations provided as a service by OptiSense.